1)What is JUnit?
JUnit is a simple, open source framework to write and run repeatable tests. It is an instance of the xUnit architecture for unit testing frameworks. JUnit features include:
Assertions for testing expected results
Test fixtures for sharing common test data
Test runners for running tests
2)How do I write and run a simple test?
Create a class:
package junitfaq;
import org.junit.*;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import java.util.*;
public class SimpleTest {
Write a test method (annotated with @Test) that asserts expected results on the object under test:
public void testEmptyCollection() {
Collection collection = new ArrayList();
If you are running your JUnit 4 tests with a JUnit 3.x runner, write a suite() method that uses the JUnit4TestAdapter class to create a suite containing all of your test methods:
public static junit.framework.Test suite() {
return new junit.framework.JUnit4TestAdapter(SimpleTest.class);
Although writing a main() method to run the test is much less important with the advent of IDE runners, it's still possible:
public static void main(String args[]) {
Run the test:
To run the test from the console, type:
java org.junit.runner.JUnitCore junitfaq.SimpleTest
To run the test with the test runner used in main(), type:
java junitfaq.SimpleTest
The passing test results in the following textual output:
Time: 0
OK (1 tests)
3)What CLASSPATH settings are needed to run JUnit?
(Submitted by: Eric Armstrong)
To run your JUnit tests, you'll need the following elemements in your CLASSPATH:
JUnit class files
Your class files, including your JUnit test classes
Libraries your class files depend on
If attempting to run your tests results in a NoClassDefFoundError, then something is missing from your CLASSPATH.
Windows Example:
set CLASSPATH=%JUNIT_HOME%\junit.jar;c:\myproject\classes;c:\myproject\lib\something.jar
Unix (bash) Example:
export CLASSPATH=$JUNIT_HOME/junit.jar:/myproject/classes:/myproject/lib/something.jar
4)Why not just use System.out.println()?
Inserting debug statements into code is a low-tech method for debugging it. It usually requires that output be scanned manually every time the program is run to ensure that the code is doing what's expected.
It generally takes less time in the long run to codify expectations in the form of an automated JUnit test that retains its value over time. If it's difficult to write a test to assert expectations, the tests may be telling you that shorter and more cohesive methods would improve your design.
5)How do I test a method that doesn't return anything?
Often if a method doesn't return a value, it will have some side effect. Actually, if it doesn't return a value AND doesn't have a side effect, it isn't doing anything.
There may be a way to verify that the side effect actually occurred as expected. For example, consider the add() method in the Collection classes. There are ways of verifying that the side effect happened (i.e. the object was added). You can check the size and assert that it is what is expected:
public void testCollectionAdd() {
Collection collection = new ArrayList();
assertEquals(0, collection.size());
assertEquals(1, collection.size());
assertEquals(2, collection.size());
Another approach is to make use of MockObjects.
A related issue is to design for testing. For example, if you have a method that is meant to output to a file, don't pass in a filename, or even a FileWriter. Instead, pass in a Writer. That way you can pass in a StringWriter to capture the output for testing purposes. Then you can add a method (e.g. writeToFileNamed(String filename)) to encapsulate the FileWriter creation.
6)How do I test protected methods?
Place your tests in the same package as the classes under test.
7)How do I test private methods?
Testing private methods may be an indication that those methods should be moved into another class to promote reusability.
But if you must...
If you are using JDK 1.3 or higher, you can use reflection to subvert the access control mechanism with the aid of the PrivilegedAccessor.
8) Under what conditions should I test get() and set() methods?
Unit tests are intended to alleviate fear that something might break. If you think a get() or set() method could reasonably break, or has in fact contributed to a defect, then by all means write a test.
In short, test until you're confident. What you choose to test is subjective, based on your experiences and confidence level. Remember to be practical and maximize your testing investment.
9)Under what conditions should I not test get() and set() methods?
Most of the time, get/set methods just can't break, and if they can't break, then why test them? While it is usually better to test more, there is a definite curve of diminishing returns on test effort versus "code coverage". Remember the maxim: "Test until fear turns to boredom."
Assume that the getX() method only does "return x;" and that the setX() method only does "this.x = x;". If you write this test:
public void testGetSetX() {
assertEquals(23, getX());
then you are testing the equivalent of the following:
public void testGetSetX() {
x = 23;
assertEquals(23, x);
or, if you prefer,
public void testGetSetX() {
assertEquals(23, 23);
At this point, you are testing the Java compiler, or possibly the interpreter, and not your component or application. There is generally no need for you to do Java's testing for them.
If you are concerned about whether a property has already been set at the point you wish to call getX(), then you want to test the constructor, and not the getX() method. This kind of test is especially useful if you have multiple constructors:
public void testCreate() {
assertEquals(23, new MyClass(23).getX());
10)How do I write a test that passes when an expected exception is thrown?
Add the optional expected attribute to the @Test annotation. The following is an example test that passes when the expected IndexOutOfBoundsException is raised:
public void testIndexOutOfBoundsException() {
ArrayList emptyList = new ArrayList();
Object o = emptyList.get(0);
11) How do I write a test that fails when an unexpected exception is thrown?
Declare the exception in the throws clause of the test method and don't catch the exception within the test method. Uncaught exceptions will cause the test to fail with an error.
The following is an example test that fails when the IndexOutOfBoundsException is raised:
public void testIndexOutOfBoundsExceptionNotRaised()
throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {
ArrayList emptyList = new ArrayList();
Object o = emptyList.get(0);
12)Why does JUnit only report the first failure in a single test?
Reporting multiple failures in a single test is generally a sign that the test does too much, compared to what a unit test ought to do. Usually this means either that the test is really a functional/acceptance/customer test or, if it is a unit test, then it is too big a unit test.
JUnit is designed to work best with a number of small tests. It executes each test within a separate instance of the test class. It reports failure on each test. Shared setup code is most natural when sharing between tests. This is a design decision that permeates JUnit, and when you decide to report multiple failures per test, you begin to fight against JUnit. This is not recommended.
Long tests are a design smell and indicate the likelihood of a design problem. Kent Beck is fond of saying in this case that "there is an opportunity to learn something about your design." We would like to see a pattern language develop around these problems, but it has not yet been written down.
Finally, note that a single test with multiple assertions is isomorphic to a test case with multiple tests:
One test method, three assertions:
public class MyTestCase {
public void testSomething() {
// Set up for the test, manipulating local variables
Three test methods, one assertion each:
public class MyTestCase {
// Local variables become instance variables
public void setUp() {
// Set up for the test, manipulating instance variables
public void testCondition1() {
public void testCondition2() {
public void testCondition3() {
The resulting tests use JUnit's natural execution and reporting mechanism and, failure in one test does not affect the execution of the other tests. You generally want exactly one test to fail for any given bug, if you can manage it.
13) Do I need to write a test class for every class I need to test?
No. It is a convention to start with one test class per class under test, but it is not necessary.
Test classes only provide a way to organize tests, nothing more. Generally you will start with one test class per class under test, but then you may find that a small group of tests belong together with their own common test fixture.[1] In this case, you may move those tests to a new test class. This is a simple object-oriented refactoring: separating responsibilities of an object that does too much.
Another point to consider is that the TestSuite is the smallest execution unit in JUnit: you cannot execute anything smaller than a TestSuite at one time without changing source code. In this case, you probably do not want to put tests in the same test class unless they somehow "belong together". If you have two groups of tests that you think you'd like to execute separately from one another, it is wise to place them in separate test classes.
[1] A test fixture is a common set of test data and collaborating objects shared by many tests. Generally they are implemented as instance variables in the test class.
14) In Java 1.4, assert is a keyword. Won't this conflict with JUnit's assert() method?
JUnit 3.7 deprecated assert() and replaced it with assertTrue(), which works exactly the same way.
JUnit 4 is compatible with the assert keyword. If you run with the -ea JVM switch, assertions that fail will be reported by JUnit.
15) How do I test things that must be run in a J2EE container (e.g. servlets, EJBs)?
Refactoring J2EE components to delegate functionality to other objects that don't have to be run in a J2EE container will improve the design and testability of the software.
Cactus is an open source JUnit extension that can be used to test J2EE components in their natural environment.
16)Is there a basic template I can use to create a test?
The following templates are a good starting point. Copy/paste and edit these templates to suit your coding style.
SampleTest is a basic test template:
import org.junit.*;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
public class SampleTest {
private java.util.List emptyList;
* Sets up the test fixture.
* (Called before every test case method.)
public void setUp() {
emptyList = new java.util.ArrayList();
* Tears down the test fixture.
* (Called after every test case method.)
public void tearDown() {
emptyList = null;
public void testSomeBehavior() {
assertEquals("Empty list should have 0 elements", 0, emptyList.size());
public void testForException() {
Object o = emptyList.get(0);
17)How do I write a test for an abstract class?
Refer to http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?AbstractTestCases.
18)When are tests garbage collected?
By design, the tree of Test instances is built in one pass, then the tests are executed in a second pass. The test runner holds strong references to all Test instances for the duration of the test execution. This means that for a very long test run with many Test instances, none of the tests may be garbage collected until the end of the entire test run.
Therefore, if you allocate external or limited resources in a test, you are responsible for freeing those resources. Explicitly setting an object to null in the tearDown() method, for example, allows it to be garbage collected before the end of the entire test run.
19)How can I run setUp() and tearDown() code once for all of my tests?
The desire to do this is usually a symptom of excessive coupling in your design. If two or more tests must share the same test fixture state, then the tests may be trying to tell you that the classes under test have some undesirable dependencies.
Refactoring the design to further decouple the classes under test and eliminate code duplication is usually a better investment than setting up a shared test fixture.
But if you must...
You can add a @BeforeClass annotation to a method to be run before all the tests in a class, and a @AfterClass annotation to a method to be run after all the tests in a class. Here's an example:
package junitfaq;
import org.junit.*;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import java.util.*;
public class SimpleTest {
private Collection collection;
public static void oneTimeSetUp() {
// one-time initialization code
public static void oneTimeTearDown() {
// one-time cleanup code
public void setUp() {
collection = new ArrayList();
public void tearDown() {
public void testEmptyCollection() {
public void testOneItemCollection() {
assertEquals(1, collection.size());
Given this test, the methods will execute in the following order:
Running Tests
20)What CLASSPATH settings are needed to run JUnit?
To run your JUnit tests, you'll need the following elemements in your CLASSPATH:
JUnit class files
Your class files, including your JUnit test classes
Libraries your class files depend on
If attempting to run your tests results in a NoClassDefFoundError, then something is missing from your CLASSPATH.
Windows Example:
set CLASSPATH=%JUNIT_HOME%\junit.jar;c:\myproject\classes;c:\myproject\lib\something.jar
Unix (bash) Example:
export CLASSPATH=$JUNIT_HOME/junit.jar:/myproject/classes:/myproject/lib/something.jar
21)How do I run JUnit from my command window?
Invoke the runner:
java org.junit.runner.JUnitCore (test class name)
22)How do I pass command-line arguments to a test execution?
Use the -D JVM command-line options, as in:
If the number of parameters on the command line gets unweildy, pass in the location of a property file that defines a set of parameters. Alternatively, the JUnit-addons package contains the XMLPropertyManager and PropertyManager classes that allow you to define a property file (or XML file) containing test parameters.
23)Why do I get the warning "AssertionFailedError: No tests found in XXX" when I run my test?
Make sure you have more or more method annotated with @Test.
For example:
public void testSomething() {
24)Why do I get a NoClassDefFoundError when trying to test JUnit or run the samples?
Most likely your CLASSPATH doesn't include the JUnit installation directory.
Refer to "What CLASSPATH settings are needed to run JUnit?" for more guidance.
Also consider running WhichJunit to print the absolute location of the JUnit class files required to run and test JUnit and its samples.
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